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"public policy" » "publica policy"
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia
... marketing disputes the spaces of public policy, which should be based on the principles of effective...
Tipo de material: Capítulo - Parte de Libro
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia
.... The article analyzes the failure in the formulation of the public policy for the protection of the traditional...
Tipo de material: Capítulo - Parte de Libro
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia
... the effects of public policy initiatives on police operations in Colombia, in the midst of the health...
Tipo de material: Capítulo - Parte de Libro
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia
... in the country that, from various institutions and public policy frameworks, address the issue. Taking...
Tipo de material: Capítulo - Parte de Libro
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia
... of life of young people, such as CONPES 4040, and public policies as Generación E and Estado Joven...
Tipo de material: Capítulo - Parte de Libro