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By: Blanco, Jesús, Blanco, Jesús
Published: 2019-06
Fuente: UMECIT
Tipo de material: Trabajo de grado - Maestría
Fuente: UMECIT
...) was founded by the Government Decree No. 575 on July 21st, 2004, and its main pedagogical...
Tipo de material: Trabajo de grado - Especialización
By: Dominguez, Elías, Dominguez, Elías
Published: 2020-10
Fuente: UMECIT
... of the Stock Market of Panama within the attributions granted by the Single Text of Decree Law 1 of 1999 has...
Tipo de material: Ensayo
Fuente: UMECIT
... participation in the school environment. In general, it reflects on how the guidelines of Decree...
Tipo de material: Trabajo de grado - Maestría
Fuente: UMECIT
... regulates the activities of hydrocarbons, which finds its main support in Cabinet Decree No.36 of 17...
Tipo de material: Ensayo
Fuente: UMECIT
... in the student’s positive behavior. It can be concluded that the strategy contributes to a decrease...
Tipo de material: Trabajo de grado - Maestría