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"physics" » "physical"
Fuente: Universidad EIA
... to EMG patterns as a result of physical exercise routines during the upper limb rehabilitation process...
Tipo de material: Trabajo de grado - Pregrado
Fuente: Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería
... orthoses and functional electrical stimulation (FES) .However, rehabilitation with orthoses is physically...
Tipo de material: Trabajo de grado - Pregrado
Fuente: Universidad EIA
... dystrophy is not curable, the rehabilitation can slow the process of loss of physical abilities. Because...
Tipo de material: Trabajo de grado - Pregrado
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia
...-being, both physical and mental. Moreover, for many, being addicted its aynonymous with being delinquent...
Tipo de material: Trabajo de grado - Pregrado
Fuente: Universidad EIA
... systematic, organized and planned manner, is a useful strategy in the training process of physical therapists...
Tipo de material: Artículo de revista
Fuente: Universidad EIA
... systematic, organized and planned manner, is a useful strategy in the training process of physical therapists...
Tipo de material: Artículo de revista
Fuente: Universidad EIA
... access to physical rehabilitation services by the General Social Security System in Health of the PCP...
Tipo de material: Trabajo de grado - Maestría