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"physics" » "physical"
Fuente: UMECIT
... didactic mediation of the concept of physics by using the computer as a technological tool that offers...
Tipo de material: Trabajo de grado - Maestría
Fuente: UMECIT
... PHYSICAL ACTIVITY" is focused on sixth grade students at the Villalosada Educational...
Tipo de material: Trabajo de grado - Maestría
Fuente: UMECIT
... in people's health and should be promoted from areas such as physical education. Therefore...
Tipo de material: Trabajo de grado - Maestría
Fuente: UMECIT
... physical record. According to the officials, the ECE is a friendly tool that reduces failures...
Tipo de material: Trabajo de grado - Maestría
Fuente: UMECIT
... in coexistence, mainly due to jokes in bad taste, bullying, verbal and physical aggressions, among...
Tipo de material: Trabajo de grado - Maestría