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"decree" » "decrease"
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia
...—. For that reason, it is illegitimate to arrange its decree in consideration to material purposes that ignores...
Tipo de material: Trabajo de grado - Maestría
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia
.... The new policy is included in Presidential Decree 1084 of 2015. This study is carried out through...
Tipo de material: Trabajo de grado - Maestría
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia
... the Planning and Corporate Direction of the entity, to comply with the legal regulations that by decree orders...
Tipo de material: Trabajo de grado - Maestría
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia
... Services included in the Decree 870 2017 (mads) was necessary to facilitate or to assure the effective...
Tipo de material: Capítulo de Libro
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia
..., Subsequently, Law 1448 of 2011 appears, and its Regulatory Decree 4800 of the same year, which brings some...
Tipo de material: Trabajo de grado - Maestría
Fuente: Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana
... such as 1618 of 2013, which mentions the guarantee of the rights of persons with disabilities, and Decree 1421...
Tipo de material:
Fuente: UMECIT
... regulates the activities of hydrocarbons, which finds its main support in Cabinet Decree No.36 of 17...
Tipo de material: Ensayo
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia
... purpose, Decree Law 2591 of 1991 was born, consistent with article 86 of the Constitution, which maximized...
Tipo de material: Trabajo de grado - Maestría
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia
... disciplines. The normative framework in sports disciplinary matters in Colombia is established in Decree 1228...
Tipo de material: Trabajo de grado - Maestría
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia
... in the regulatory decrees in all sectors of interest to society. In environmental matters this coding was included...
Tipo de material: Capítulo de Libro
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia
... by the Decree 417 of March 17, 2020. ...
Tipo de material: Artículo de revista
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia
... by the NPO (lack that is found in Decree 4400 of 2004), however, that shortcoming was not resolved...
Tipo de material: Trabajo de grado - Pregrado
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia
... analysis of different sources such as documents of the institution, the Decree 1421 of 2017, and three...
Tipo de material: Trabajo de grado - Maestría
Fuente: Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería
... establish in Decree 1076 of 2015 and in the Environmental Policy for the comprehensive management...
Tipo de material: Trabajo de grado - Maestría
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia
Tipo de material: Artículo de revista
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia
..., this decree has not yet been implemented, because of law 1231 of 2008 and other regulations concerning...
Tipo de material: Artículo de revista